
Robert Berry Paul Oakley Deed Harrison


Objective: To present a case of the restoration upper limb radiculopathy with neck pain in a patient with a prominent lateral head translation posture treated by Berry translation traction as a part of Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP®) technique.


Clinical Features: A 57-year-old male patient with right arm radiculopathy and neck pain sought care. He had decreased neck flexibility, numbness down his arms, and weakness in his right hand. Digital radiography showed a lateral head translation posture and cervical hypolordosis.


Intervention & Outcome: The patient received CBP® care including mirror image, opposite-sided head translation exercises and traction, as well as spinal manipulative therapy and prone drop-table adjustments. After 12 weeks of care, he reported no neck pain or numbness and had full hand strength. Cervical x-ray showed complete improvement in AP cervicothoracic posture.


Conclusion: We believe that correcting the lateral head shift posture by Berry translation traction decreased the spinal nerve tension in the pons-cord tissue tract, releasing its intermittent impingement and subsequent arm numbness and hand weakness in this patient.

